Unearth Your Worth: You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Psalm 139:14)
Well, hello and welcome to the very first episode of the significance series where we inspire every woman and girl to discover her godly significance, wield her unique brilliance, and courageously mark her path in life while nurturing a deep connection to your faith and your biblical values. I'm Regina Coley, your host and I'm so excited to be on this journey with you. Today's episode is titled Un Earth Your Worth. You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. We'll be diving deep into the beautiful scripture in Psalms, and we're gonna understand its meaning and explore how it relates to our lives.
Speaker 1:But first, as usual, we are going to start everything off that we do in prayer. Dear heavenly father, we thank you for this time together. We ask that you open our hearts and minds to your word and your truth. Help us to see ourselves as you see us and to embrace our worth as your beloved daughters. Guide our discussion today and let it be a source of inspiration and encouragement for all who listen.
Speaker 1:In Jesus' name we pray, amen. So firstly, we're gonna begin this, by looking at Psalm 13914. So we're gonna read it together. If you have your Bibles or your Bible app, go ahead and get that out. You're gonna need it throughout this series, so keep it close by as you are listening.
Speaker 1:So the scripture says, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are well. I know that full well. Isn't that such a powerful affirmation? Like, it's so powerful.
Speaker 1:So let's dive deeper into the scripture. So Psalm 139 is a Psalm of David and in this beautiful and intimate piece of poetry, David reflects on God's omniscience and omnipresence. He marvels at how God has created him with such care and purpose. And this verse in particular, it highlights the intricate and intentional way that God has made each of us. So when we break the verse down, the words fearfully and wonderfully stand out.
Speaker 1:Fearfully suggest a sense of reverence and awe and how God has created us. It indicates that we're made with great care and precision and wonderfully implies that we're unique, we're set apart, we are remarkable in our own ways. These words affirm our worth and our significance in God's eyes. It's a huge part of why our company focuses firstly on helping women and girls to understand their significance. You have to understand how much care and concern went into just creating you and you just existing.
Speaker 1:Right? I wanna share a little bit of a personal story with you. There was a time in my life when I doubted my worth and purpose, and it went on for so, so, so many years. So many people would look at me and think that I was such a great leader, so confident, so resilient, so smart, so brilliant, so intelligent. And I appreciated all of the wonderful things that people speak and to this day continue to speak over my life.
Speaker 1:But none of those things meant anything if inside I didn't believe that they were true. And recognizing that I didn't believe that any of those things were true helped me to understand that my self worth was very, very low. We focus a lot when we see people who don't understand how wonderful they are. We focus on confidence, we focus on the love, but we have to focus in on the worth. If you don't believe that you're worthy of being beautifully, fearfully, and wonderfully made and you don't believe that you are made with a purpose and you have a reason for being here, none of these things matter.
Speaker 1:So significance to me is just the most important thing we could ever discuss because it's the totality of who we are. I just didn't believe that I was worthy. I felt like I was a good person, but not worthy. I constantly compared myself to other people. I felt inadequate all the time.
Speaker 1:I would show up in spaces thinking that everybody was better than me, smarter than me, was richer than me, and I just didn't feel like I was, I was doing the things that people say that you're supposed to be able to do. Like, you're smart. You should be, you know, wealthy. You'll be rich. You'll be this and that.
Speaker 1:And I just did not believe those things. So I know that I had to get into a place where I just took it to God in prayer because I needed him to change my heart. I needed him to change my mindset because I really wanted to believe, but some kind of way there was like this gap there where it just wasn't happening. So it was during one of my quiet times with God that I stumbled upon Psalm 139. I'd heard the scripture before, but as I meditated on this verse, I felt an overwhelming sense of love and assurance from God.
Speaker 1:And I realized that my worth wasn't determined by the world's standard, but by my creator who made me intentionally and wonderfully. This revelation transformed my perspective. It gave me the confidence to step into my calling. And I remember thinking there were so many other girls who needed to experience this, that the very first conference that my, girls leadership program hosted was called Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Conference. And I'm still debating if I want to bring that title back around.
Speaker 1:I think that it's still necessary and needed. So I kinda feel like we need to have more conversations around this. But understanding that will help you too to get in perspective just how intentionally and wonderfully you are made. The world will have its standards of what wonderful looks like, but you will have to understand God's perspective. That's why we always say, as believers, God's ways are not our ways.
Speaker 1:So the ways that we think, God thinks more highly of us, God thinks more intentionally of us. And I know that we are in this world, so we will always default to worldly standards. Shifting our mindset, shifting our heart, shifting the way that we think and do and move in this world really is going to take some intention. So we're going to have to truly meditate on that verse and ask God, ask the Holy Spirit to help you every single day to understand that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and you are worthy and you are made with a purpose and that you don't need to worry about what anybody else has going on. You should never feel inadequate because you are so so so worthy.
Speaker 1:So worthy. I just think, you know, today as I was putting in my notes, I was like, what advice would I give to a girl? What advice would I give to one of my sisters who is struggling to see their own worth? And honestly, it's just a meditation. I don't think we do that enough.
Speaker 1:I don't think we take enough time to meditate on scripture, and that's a requirement for us as believers is to be able to do that. We meditate on other things, as in we, you know, we watch TV, we read books, and we let those things take root, and we just have to let scripture take root. We have to let it be the thing that helps to grow us, and that's the only way that it can grow in us is if we plant that seed there. And we plant that seed there by reading that aloud over ourselves every day. It might be as simple as putting it on a post it note and putting it in your bathroom mirror.
Speaker 1:So every morning you wake up and you go to go wash your face and brush your teeth, you're saying it out loud to yourself and you have to say it until you believe it. You put it in the car. When you go in your car to go sit down every morning, you say it again. It has to be placed everywhere so that you will continuously, speak these things over yourself until you actually, believe them. And I just want you to know that you are created with so much care and so we have to treat ourselves with that same level of care and concern that our creator made us with.
Speaker 1:We have to maintain that. That's our responsibility. So I want you to write down more affirmations, as you write down that scripture. I'm fearfully and wonderfully made by God. I am unique.
Speaker 1:I am brilliant. I am precious in his eyes. You know, write and say those affirmations daily. If you're not into journaling, journaling is such a cool process, where you can just start a journal and reflect on your God given qualities so that you can learn to see yourself, how God sees you. One of the things that I know to be true of me and I know to be true of you is that we're called to be image bearers.
Speaker 1:So everything that God is, we are. So if He is, no, let me say this. Let me go back check a little bit. When I was studying the Bible and trying to figure out, not only for myself, but got into a place where I was like, I really want my kids to be able to understand this. One of the activities was going through the Bible and looking at every I am phrase and writing it down.
Speaker 1:When you understand who God is, it puts in perspective who you are. While we are not God, let's not get that part confused. We are image bearers that we are supposed to be like Him. So if you understand who He is, then you can better understand who you are. I think we lack understanding of who we are because we don't understand the totality of who He is.
Speaker 1:So in your journal, I think if you begin to write down who God is and His promises to you, you'll begin to see who you are in his eyes. And you can look back at your journal just before you go to bed at night, and you can, you know, rest in the sweet dreams of who you are and what you want from your life and what you want from your present and your future. You can wake up and look at it again. It's just a matter of, again, being intentional with what you think daily. Everything that you think becomes actions that you take in life.
Speaker 1:So the mind is such a powerful tool that we have to be able to focus on these things and worthiness really stems from the mind. Because what you believe, you can bring about. And so, having these different spaces where you're reflecting on these things, you're writing them out, you're saying them out loud, it's gonna just really, really be helpful. One of the reflection questions I'm gonna challenge you today to ask yourself is how do I see myself as God sees me? What unique qualities has God given me?
Speaker 1:And write them down and meditate on them. I know for me, writing these things down was understanding that I'm a speaker, I'm a teacher, I'm a person who loves to empower other people. I am an exhorter. I love to help build people up. And the ways that we build people up is by creating resources and tools to help them to ask the questions and get to the answers and the results that will help them make shifts and changes in life.
Speaker 1:These are gifts that God has given me. These are not things that everybody can do and rattle off the top of their head. They're gifts. And God has given you gifts too. I know one of my daughters, she is an amazing hairstylist and I keep telling her people can do hair.
Speaker 1:Like that's not a skill that can't be taught. But when you make somebody feel good while you're doing their hair and you're speaking positive over them or you're praying over them while you're touching their head, while you're touching their scalp, and you're telling them God made you so beautiful. I love your hair texture. Wow. I love the way that this style looks on you.
Speaker 1:Your eyes, it just makes your eyes pop like you're just speaking wonderful things over women or the girls whose hair you're doing. That is a gift, and there's always a way that we can take the things that God has given us and take it a step further. So as you're writing down these unique qualities, ask yourself, as well, what does God want you to do with those things? You know, that's what really makes you, you know, being a servant for the kingdom. And I think that that's ultimately what we all want to do and that's what we want to do in this world is be important, be seen, be heard, be valued.
Speaker 1:And when God is telling you that these are the qualities that I'm giving you, utilize them. That is what makes you feel valued and seen and heard because you're moving in a way that allows you to be in this world that gives you purpose, that makes you feel like, man, I am really stepping up and being a good steward over the things that God has given me. I'm really being a reflection of Him and this world. And it changes the game for every single thing you do. You start to reevaluate the things that you are consuming, the media that you're consuming, to hopefully, my prayer for you is hopefully, when you start to understand your worth, you'll start to create more worthiness in the people who are around you.
Speaker 1:It's like a ripple effect. You want them to understand their worth too. You start to challenge them to understand, like, you gotta walk worthy. You are just like so much more worthy than the music you listen to. You are so much more worthy than the stuff that you've allowed your friends to say to you and those little words that you've allowed them to say, you know, to to call you out at.
Speaker 1:I know a lot of people now call each other bruh. It's a part of the culture. What's up, bruh? Yeah. That's my bruh.
Speaker 1:And I've seen girls call each other bruh. And I'm like, you're not brah. Why are you allowing people to call you bra? Like, come on. You are worthy of so much more than that.
Speaker 1:Have people call you by your name. Have people call you by other names. I walk people and I'm like, hello, beautiful. Hello, brilliant. Hello, valuable.
Speaker 1:You like, hello? Can we do better than this? Doing better though requires us to have that understanding and then to be that light in our world. Stop calling each other bro. Y'all are better than bro.
Speaker 1:You're nobody's bro, but you're God's everything. You are your everything. So let's address each other as such. Write these things down. Continue to meditate on them in your journal.
Speaker 1:Another way that you can really, expand the work that you're doing once you understand your worthiness, if that's a challenge that you're up to. It's not a requirement, but I love building community and I think being planted in the right community helps us to keep these values in our faith at the forefront of everything that we do. You should really join a small group. If you're involved in a church and they don't have one that offers the things you want to study, maybe you can consider creating one with your friends, where you just get together and y'all explore these biblical values together. Because once you get it, the only way that it's gonna be maintained is if the people who are around you also get it.
Speaker 1:Because it's nothing for you to change and everybody else around you to stay the same. You'll constantly feel like you're out of place. You'll constantly feel like, man, am I crazy for doing this? You're not. You just need to help, sharpen the friends who are around you and you do that by just sharing with them the things that you're doing.
Speaker 1:You say, hey, I really have a better understanding of who God created me to be, so I'm gonna just, you know, respectfully ask that you don't call me bruh anymore. And I also wanna invite you to understand who God is with you. Your friends are gonna be like, hey, girl. You changed. You switched up.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. I did because I'm supposed to change. I'm supposed to grow. And I hope that you change and you grow too. And you might have friends who drop off who don't understand that, but you may have some that lean in and they're looking for your leadership, they're looking for your guidance.
Speaker 1:So utilize those gifts that God gave you. You don't have to be so, you know, forthcoming that you are cramming all this information down anyone's throat. You don't want to do that, but you want to do so from a place of grace and understanding that everybody is growing and evolving and changing as well. And you wanna do so from a place of love where it's like, I love you so much that I want the best for you as your friend. And I wanna invite you to come study this with me and learn a little bit more about the truth of who you are.
Speaker 1:And it says it right here in God's word, if you wanna read it with me. You know, I I I think the world will be a better place if more of us took charge in doing that. And I feel like it's that time. It's it's we hear in Esther for such a time as this and I just feel like this is our time. So I hope that you fully understand more about your significance, more about how fearfully and wonderfully made you are, how much intention God has given His beloved daughters, how significant you are to this world and to the kingdom of God.
Speaker 1:And I just hope that you take some of these activities, like the affirmations and the journaling, and put them into practice today. I hope that you continue to stick around for the rest of the series because we're going to talk a lot more about significance. Each episode is going to cover some scripture. We're going to discover some practical tips that you can utilize in your everyday life habits that you possibly could change in your daily routines and we're just going to pray and continue to pray over each other because it's required. It's what we need.
Speaker 1:It's how we uplift one another, right? So, dear Lord, we thank you for the truth of your word. Help us to fully embrace our worth and significance as your beloved daughters. Give us the strength and courage to walk in our unique purpose and to see ourselves through your loving eyes. Help us to be a light in this world and to encourage others in their faith journey.
Speaker 1:In Jesus name we pray, amen. Well, that's all for today's episode. Remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Embrace your worth, walk in the confidence of who you are in Christ. In our next episode, we're gonna continue the significance series, so be sure to tune in.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much for joining us today. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with someone who might benefit from it. You can stay connected with us over at motivator.com. I would love to hear from you, hear your thoughts, hear your stories. Until next time, keep shining your brilliance and stay rooted in your faith.
Speaker 1:God bless.