Scripting Your Story: For Such A Time As This (Esther 4:14)

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Hello and welcome back to the significance series where we inspire every woman and girl to discover her godly significance, wield her unique brilliance and courageously mark her path in life while nurturing a deep connection to her faith and biblical values. I'm Regina Coley, your host, and I'm thrilled to have you join us for our second episode. So today's episode is titled Scripting Your Story For Such A Time As This. This is inspired by Esther 414. So you already know the deal.

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If you don't have your Bible, go ahead and grab it or pull up your app. Today, we're going to explore how each moment of our lives is divinely appointed and how we can rise to the occasion recognizing our significance in the grand narrative of God's plan. But as always, let's start off in prayer. Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for bringing us together once again. We invite your holy spirit to guide our discussion today.

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Help us to understand the depth of your purpose for each of our lives. May we be empowered and encouraged to rise for such a time as this. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. So let's begin by reading Esther 4:14. For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish.

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And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this. This scripture captures a pivotal moment in the story of Esther, where she is called upon to use her influence to help save her people. The book of Esther really tells the story of a young Jewish woman who becomes the Queen of Persia, and she uses her position to save her people from genocide. So as we're looking at Esther 414, this shares a message from her cousin Mordecai, urging her to take action. This verse emphasizes the idea that Esther's rise to royalty was not just a coincidence, but a divine appointment for a greater purpose.

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So when we reflect on this phrase for such a time as this, and I don't know if you've ever heard people say that before. But when they say it, they're typically referring to an appointed time. And it becomes really apparent in the scripture that God orchestrates our lives to place us in specific situations where we can fulfill his plans. And it's all about recognizing that we're exactly where we need to be and that our current circumstances hold opportunities for us to make a significant impact. I can really recall a point in my life where I felt really unsure about my purpose.

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As a matter of fact, I shared it in the previous episode. Every challenge to me seemed insurmountable. I really questioned my ability to make a difference. And it wasn't until I embraced the idea that God had placed me in specific situations for a reason. And in those reasons, I found clarity, I found strength, and this understanding really helped me to rise to the occasion and trust in God's timing and His purpose.

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So I wanna share personal insight that might resonate with many of you. There was a time when I felt completely overwhelmed by the responsibilities and challenges I was facing. A lot of you guys know I'm a mom of 8. That always brings its fair share of challenges. And you're trying to do businesses and, strengthen a marriage and do work in the community.

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Just constantly feel overwhelmed with responsibilities and I really questioned whether or not I was capable of handling all of them. And during this time, I just deeply connected with Esther's story in the message for such a time as this. One particular moment stands out where I remember standing at a crossroad and just feeling so small against the magnitude of what was before me. I actually went back and looked at it. It was an old YouTube video.

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I was in the draft through line at Burger King and I was just looking up at the sky and I felt so small. Like, I literally felt so small and I remember pulling out my camera and recording what I was thinking and feeling in that moment. But through prayer, I sought clarity. I sought direction, hoping that God would show me the way. And in that stillness, I found a sense of assurance as if God was telling me you're here for a reason, I'm with you.

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And this realization shifted my perspective entirely. And so instead of seeing challenges as obstacles, I began to view them as opportunities to fulfill my defined purpose. And that's what I wanna encourage you with today. Whenever you feel overwhelmed or insignificant, remember that you are precisely where you need to be. Trust that God has placed you there for a reason and He will equip you to be able to rise to the occasion.

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So let's summarize some key points from our discussion and I wanna offer you some practical steps for embracing your divine appointment. So firstly, I want you to remember that you are placed where you are for a divine purpose. And secondly, recognize the opportunities within your current circumstances to make a significant impact. So as always, just getting into the habit of daily prayer, I want you to pray daily for God to reveal his purpose for you and to give you the courage to act on it. I also wanna reassure you that I'm actively praying for you, everybody's ear, whoever listens to this podcast, so that God will reveal that purpose for you.

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Even in the moments where you feel like your prayers aren't enough, God understands your heart. You don't have to have the right words. You can honestly come to him in silence and he still knows your heart. So don't ever feel like your words aren't well put together and he just won't understand. That's just not the way that God works.

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But know that I'm also praying for you on the back end in addition to your own daily prayers. Secondly, I love journaling. I still am like a stationary girl. Thanks, Lisa Frank for getting me into all the cute colorful notebooks and gel pens. Like, none of that will ever leave my soul.

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I love journaling. But journaling is a beautiful reflective process at the end of the day or beginning of your day to just keep track of memories and moments and notes and all the things. Like, you'll look back on these notebooks later and be so happy you wrote things down. You'll realize patterns in your life. You'll situations where you've gotten through things before and you'll feel so encouraged, by just keeping a journal.

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So if you don't already keep one, get them. We have some really cute ones at if you wanna shop journals. But keep a journal of moments where you feel a divine nudge or a calling and reflect on how you can embrace those opportunities. I remember, understanding what my purpose is and I truly feel like my purpose is that of a teacher. I took spiritual assessments.

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I knew that I was looking at my earthly talents, things that really light me up and excite me, that I can do effortlessly, that feel really natural to me, was what I felt like I was talented in doing. But also understanding how to teach certain subjects, how to encourage people, how to help people, have moments of understanding is really my gifting. And specifically for girls, I've just always been in girls groups and have girls media and girl materials, and now realizing as an adult, there's less and less of that available. And then I just know that I keep feeling this nudge, like, you gotta make a magazine, or you gotta start the school, or you gotta start the program, or you gotta write the book. And they just never go away even if I don't do them.

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And it's like, you know, daily, it's it's conviction that I feel when I see people doing the thing that I know I've been called to do, and I feel this nudge. I feel it in my belly, or something inside of me leaps and I get truly excited when I see something in the earth, or I don't see it in the earth, but I just think about it, what could be, and I'm and I know that that's that divine nudge. And God is telling me, you are ready for this. This is I need you to do this assignment. I need it to be in your voice for such a time as this.

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We don't wanna miss those opportunities. So journaling, just writing down what you're thinking, what you're feeling, what makes your belly leap, what gets you excited, It's just a great way for you to look back and say, hey. I think I know what my calling is. I think I know what my purpose is. Because you've been writing these things down, and you can really spend some time reflecting on what is the opportunity God is presenting to you right now in this moment for such a time as this.

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Also, I found really helpful to seek advice and mentorship from trusted faith leaders or faith filled friends who can provide wisdom and encouragement. You always wanna have somebody in your corner that's like your personal cheerleader that's telling you, you know, that sounds wonderful, you got this. If you need help with resources or you want me to help, you know, get on the phone or help you create something, like, those are the people you want in your corner. Get advice from those people. If you don't know those people personally, reach out to folks online.

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Send them an email. Let them know you're looking for a mentor. You admire them. You have, you know, seen this inside of them and it's a skill that you're working on developing inside of yourself self or you wanna share more of their story or you guys have similar backgrounds, whatever. Just get out there and connect.

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We live in such a world now where we are we have every tool available to us to connect with others, but we're still so grossly disconnected. Reach out to people. Make your needs known. You know, you just gotta ask. Have the courage to ask.

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Okay? And then, I want you to identify one area in your life where you feel called to make a difference and take a small step towards addressing it. You guys know that my work at Motivator, the work that I do is just to help people make a difference in the world. That is the tagline for our company is we help women and girls make their mark. You are here.

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You are called, and you got an assignment to do. So just pick something, maybe it's from your journal, maybe it's something that you've written before, maybe it's something that you heard after you prayed and you sat in the stillness and quietness so that you can hear God's voice. And you're like, maybe that's what I'm supposed to do. Maybe it's something as simple as talking to somebody in your household about something or creating something kind for them. Whatever it is, just one small step.

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I'm telling you, you're going to feel amazing. You're gonna feel like this is it. This is just the beginning. And I hope that you'll take that energy and continue to take steps towards the areas that you feel called in to make a difference. All right.

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Dear Lord, thank you for the reminder that we are placed in unique situations for a divine purpose. Help us to recognize and embrace our calling. Give us the courage and the wisdom to rise for such a time as this, and to make a significant impact in your name. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. That is all for today's episode.

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Remember, you are divinely appointed and placed where you are for a reason. Embrace your purpose and rise for such a time as this. In our next episode, we'll be discussing self love, the greatest commandments, focusing on loving yourself as a part of loving God and others. It's the episode you don't want to miss. Thank you so much for joining me today.

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If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with someone who might be blessed by it. Don't forget to connect with us, on social media and at our website, and at motivator on most of your favorite social media platforms. We love hearing from you, praying for you. Until next time, keep shining your brilliance and stay rooted in your faith. God bless.

Scripting Your Story: For Such A Time As This (Esther 4:14)
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